What Made Me Smile This Week


It felt really good last week to choose things that cheered me up during the week. It made me more aware of good things as they happened this week. So here are three more things that made me smile, lifted me up, or comforted me.

We put our tree up. No one is feeling the usual frenzy of Christmas joy in our house this year, but putting the tree up helped to set the tone for some festive times.

Today, we slid some gifts under the tree and even the teen smiled.

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I am the most impatient weaver in all the land.

I am fighting finding the time to work on my tiny tapestry class with Rebecca Mezoff. And let me tell you, when I do find time, it’s not pretty.

I have taken out more weft than I have left in, and cussed a blue streak when it hasn’t been easy or fast. I was paralyzed overthinking which header to use for a week.

But let me tell you, I am enjoying the hell out of it. I’m really enjoying being new at something, and learning something I’ve wanted to do for a long time.


I had a great class. My Yarnitecture class for Stitches concluded last Saturday. I had a great bunch of spinners who asked many, many fantastic questions.

It was one of those really good mixes of topic and people, I was a little sad that it ended. I felt really lifted up by the creative energy we had in class.

A special thanks to the nurses, physician’s assistants and doctors who took care of my girl when she rolled into the ER, in the middle of the night, with kidney stones and a huge kidney infection this week. I know you have bigger public health worries right now, so thank you so much for taking such good and careful care of her.