Maggie Casey, lower right, demonstrating Andean plying.
I'm just back from Yarn Fest, emptying and refilling my suitcases to teach at Ply Away. I'm catching up on work that is late and trying to not get too far behind on other work.
Yarn Fest was fantastic, just like last year. My students were curious, enthusiastic and so very clever. I had a special guest in one of my classes, a spinner you might have heard of named, Maggie Casey. She taught me to spin and to love spining! I was intimidated for about 10 minutes, but then it was just lovely having her in my class.
I went to the marketplace and saw so many lovely things! I hadn't planned on buying anything, but I did fall down, just once, at RedFish DyeWorks. I literally walked by the booth, saw the fiber out of the corner of my eye, kept walking and had to turn around and come back. It's yak/silk. I bought two, can you blame me?