My Own Tiny Library

I've always wanted a tiny library of my own. We live on a circle with not much traffic, so there's no point in putting a little giveaway library in front of my house. I'm a big fan of books and reading. I've worked for bookstores and a publisher, volunteered at the school library. I love to put books into people's hands.  One year we gave away books for Halloween, it was a surprising hit. Books have always been an important part of my life. My favorite question is , "What are you reading?"  I write books, I review books and my husband is a book rep; we have a lot of books flowing in and out of our house and garage.

If we lived on a street with more traffic I would have a fantastic tiny library out front. Instead, here's my version, the back of my car. Along with the usual detritus that floats around a car, I have a big box of books. When I run into friends, neighbors and acquaintances out and about in the worldI ask, "do you need a book?" and let them rummage in the back for something that strikes their fancy.

It's not elaborate or cute, but it gets the job done and is really satisfying.

What are you reading?