I got my first month of the first Sheepspot Fiber Club and, well, just look at it up there! It's a whole lot of excellent.
The fiber this month is Dorset Down roving. I am getting dyed fiber (of course) and the coloway is Boardwalk.
The fiber is grabby gogeous and the rest of package is loaded with information.
There are sheets on the following:
July Club information, including why this breed was picked and a quick fiber description, and the explaination of our Special Something for this month which is an excellent Spinning Record Card download.
Breed School Notes, a history of the breed and it's current aviaiblilty and standing (a minority breed by RBST standards), a quick look at the particulars of Dorset Down fleece, and an explaination of this month's locks and the time/date for our monthly club chat.
Spinning Notes, a brief detailing of the ways that Sasha sampled this fiber (6 ways!) with reccomendations on places to start your own sampling.
Raw and Washed Locks, since Dorset Down is such a rare fiber, Sasha substituded Southdown (for similar lock structure) and Polled Dorset (to show how different Dorsets can be).
A Spinner's Worksheet, a guided worksheet for sampling.
Spinning Record Card, a printed version of the Special Something download.
I haven't spun my fiber yet, but know exactly how I will draft it - woolen. I'm not sure how I want the colors to play out and I'd like enough yardage to make a lttle something. I wonder how a singles of this would hold up, especially since Downs are resistant to fulling?
For those spinners lusting over this club, it won't open again until June 2016. But Sasha has a nice slelction of fiber in her shop, right now Shetland, Cheviot, Polwarth, Targhee and Cormo.
Sasha also hosts a monthly chat about all things fiber and yarn, particularly breed talk. You can find all of the particulars on her website.