It's really hard to make new friends once you are a grown up (or when people think you are a grown up). It's the busy, the tired, the work, the kids, the siren song of a Netflix binge. I think it's also about the fear of putting yourself out there. I feel more vunerable about friendships now than when I was younger. Because I have such wonderful online friends, I forget how great it is to laugh with someone in person.
All of that aside I met two women last week who are destined to become friends. Both are fiber women. One is a knitter and is considering a fiber business. Two different people mentioned her to me and I offered to let her pick my fiber business brain. After just a few minutes over coffee it was like we had know each other for a long time. I can't wait to hang out with her again.
Then there is my new neighborhood spinning friend. Her mom recognized me walking in the neighborhood and we had a great conversation about knitting and her daughter who has her own marketing business and is a new spinner. I handed over my email address and offered any help. The short version is she is a fearless spinning savant and a incredibly interesting person. There will be more spinning fun and I intend to drop her into my little spinning group, she'll fit right in.
It feels so good to have have new people in my life, new brains to bounce off of. Huge bonus points that they are both fibery.
Last week I wrote on the PLY blog about getting work rejected, did you see it?