How's Everyone Doing? My Essentials and a Free Concert


How is everyone doing? Are you working from home or still going in to work? Tryiing to get your kids to do school work? Trying to get your housemate to stop whistling off key? Keeping yourself as mellow as you can?

I always work from home, unless I'm traveling. It looks like I won't be traveling at least until the summer. I am an anxious person, and I'm finding work tough, it's hard to concentrate, really hard.Everything I do I'm having to redo at least twice. It's even hard to knit or spin. I am awed by the folks getting all the things done now. It is amazing.

I'm trying to do a little of something everyday. A little work, a little walking outside, a little reading, a little crafting. Some days it's very little.

The things that are working for me right now are in the photo. A puzzle, reading, movies, making lists with fancy pens, listening to stories and podcasts and noise canceling headphones. I'm also cooking and crafting.

til further notice concert.jpg

Here’s what’s not working for me right now. I’m only talking about it in case it’s the same for anyone else, so you know you are not alone. The big rush of things folks are putting up on the internet, the constant - look here, no look here - is making me more anxious. Though I could watch Yo-Yo Ma play everyday. I know I will get around to watching the streams and even making my own. But right now, I’m approaching things at a slower rate.

I am going to watch some of this Willie Nelson and Friends playing from their homes concert tonight on Twitich.

Tell me, what’s working for you and what’s not working for you?