What Are Your Plans?

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Everyone is worried, some more than others (hello anxiety). We’re home with all of our families, we’re missing work, and losing money. We’re not sure if we (or our loved ones) are or are going to get sick. That and more are all a given.

But what am I going to do? Given that so much of all of ^ that^ is out of my hands, it always helps me to have a plan. I have a list of things I’m doing for other people, shopping, cooking, maybe some visiting and dropping off books.

But what will I do for me? I have never been happier to have a stack of books and a stack of projects. Fiber and books have always calmed me. But of course, nothing in my current pile appeals to me right now. I need to have light entertainment and projects. I may just wind yarn by hand and watch Jane Austen because it’s soothing to me.

I’ve started making a list of things I could do to keep my mind and hands just a little occupied. Just making lists helps to settle my fretting. A list is an anchor, and I need that now. Here are the first tangible fiber things on my list, wind yarn for gift socks, and practice spinning thicker yarn on a spindle. Practice on my dealgan spindle, full stop. I also have some swatch knitting, mmm, little squares of different stitches.

I need to settle a bit inside before I move on to other things. I have fanciful dreams of a major stash purge and fleece washing.

You can be sure that there will be another #samplealong sooner rather than later. Anyone have a topic?

I hope you are all safe and not too scared. Don’t forget yourself in between taking care of other people. Do what settles you, no matter what that is. I’ll be watching Pride and Prejudice and swatching.