Summer Sample Along: Worsted to Woolen Drafting!

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It's time for a new Sample Along! My Patrons have voted and our theme is Worsted to Woolen Drafting.

Here's what we'll sample over the next few weeks:

  • worsted draft, forward and back
  • spinning from the fold, worsted and woolen
  • woolen drafting, forward and back
  • longdraw

Like our other Sample Alongs I will post every other week with techniques and tips. We'll spin, ply and knit swatches.

You don't need much in the way of materials. You can do the whole Sample Along with commercial or handmade combed top. I wouldn't reccomend a painted braid, all of the color may obscure seeing what's going on in the yarn.

Having some commercially or handmade carded roving, or any other woolen preparation would be good, but not necessary. I will be showing samples on both worsted and woolen preparations.

If you are buying fiber online and are looking for carded roving, make sure the description says that it's a carded prep. The word roving has transformed in to a word like Kleenex, encompassing a variety of fiber preparations (or tissues) not just the original type.

Interested in more information on this Sample Along? Consider joining my Patreon. I will be posting there, going deeper, the weeks between posting here on the blog.